Governor Abbott Galvanizes Support for Alan Schoolcraft in New Braunfels: A Call to Action for House District 44

Governor Greg Abbott's recent call to action resonated throughout New Braunfels as he rallied Texans to throw their support behind Alan Schoolcraft for House District 44. In a fervent volunteer kickoff event, Governor Abbott emphasized the pivotal role Schoolcraft plays in championing conservative values and enacting policies that resonate with constituents across the district. photo

Governor Abbott's impassioned plea for support echoed from the Red River to the Rio Grande, drawing attention to Schoolcraft's grassroots efforts in engaging with communities firsthand. As Abbott traversed neighborhoods alongside dedicated volunteers, the outpouring of support from Texans underscored the significance of the upcoming May runoff election.


During his interactions with residents, Governor Abbott reiterated the urgent need to elect leaders like Alan Schoolcraft, who are committed to prioritizing public safety and fortifying the Texas-Mexico border. Schoolcraft's unwavering dedication to tackling crime and ensuring border security struck a chord with constituents, reaffirming their belief in his ability to effect tangible change.

Addressing a diverse audience of supporters and volunteers, Governor Abbott underscored Schoolcraft's credentials as a staunch conservative leader poised to represent House District 44 effectively. Abbott's endorsement emphasized Schoolcraft's advocacy for expanding school choice, fortifying border security measures, and spearheading initiatives to alleviate the burden of property taxes on Texans.

As Governor Abbott's rallying cry reverberates throughout House District 44, the momentum behind Alan Schoolcraft's campaign continues to swell. With the May runoff election on the horizon, Texans are urged to heed Abbott's call to action, mobilizing support for Schoolcraft and ensuring their voices are heard in Austin. Together, Texans have the opportunity to usher in a new era of conservative leadership, with Alan Schoolcraft at the forefront of progress and prosperity for House District 44.


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