Houston Fund for Social Justice and Economic Equity Launches Houston Fund for Guaranteed Income Pilot Program in Houston

110 program participants to receive $4,500 over one-year period Applications accepted May 19 – 25, 2022

Today, the Houston Fund for Social Justice and Economic Equity (Houston Equity Fund), along with the support of Mayor Sylvester Turner, announced a one-year Guaranteed Income pilot program in Houston in partnership with Mayors for a Guaranteed Income (MGI). The pilot program will provide $375 per month, totaling $4,500 annually, to 110 program participants in need. The Houston Equity Fund will disperse monthly stipends to Houston’s most underserved and under-resourced individuals with the goal of progressing toward a more equitable and prosperous city.

“This pilot can be game-changing for many Houstonians and a small step toward deepening equity in this city,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner. “Many of our neighbors, particularly those living in our Complete Communities, struggle to meet the basic needs of their families, and the program is a bridge to access. It creates the ability to afford quality transportation, childcare, improved housing options, healthier food for families. A guaranteed income is an effective tool with proven results that can help combat economic insecurity.”

The MGI pilot program will serve Houston residents experiencing income inequity, employment instability, and other barriers to economic and personal progress. This includes persons who have experienced homelessness, justice involvement, health concerns and other impediments to improving their quality of life. Regular injections of supplemental income, distributed to residents can positively impact individuals, families, and communities, whether it is used for access to healthcare and medication, healthy food options, build savings, or supplement education costs.

“It is our mission to drive strategic progress in four key areas, one of which is economic development,” said Dr. Gena L. Jerkins, Executive Director, Houston Fund for Social Justice and Economic Equity. “The Mayors for a Guaranteed Income pilot program is an excellent effort that will help Houston’s underserved individuals and assist in bridging economic gaps they may face.”

Application Process

Led by the Houston Fund for Social Justice and Economic Equity, 110 participants will be selected to receive $375 per month, totaling $4,500 annually. Interested individuals must complete an application process. The application will open Thursday, May 19, 2022 and will close Wednesday, May 25, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. CST. The application will be available at: www.houstonequityfund.com/guaranteed-income-pilot/


In order to qualify, individuals:

Must be a resident of Houston

Must be at least 18 years old at the time of application

Must have a household income at or below the federal poverty level

For assistance with the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income application process, please call 713-489-3495 or email info@houstonequityfund.com.

For more information about the Houston Fund for Social Justice and Economic Equity, please visit www.houstonequityfund.com.