200 Reasons Drivers Should Obey Traffic Laws Near METRORail

METRO police have a message for area drivers; start paying attention to traffic signs along the METRORail or get ready to pay up. A jump in illegal left turns prompted a focused traffic enforcement campaign.

More than half of METRORail accidents involve cars illegally turning left and running red lights. The intersection of Fannin at Dryden in the Texas Medical Center was the site of the most accidents involving illegal left turns last year.

For now, METRO Police are educating traffic offenders and giving out warnings, but soon officers will begin writing tickets with fines as high as $200.

“This enforcement is designed to get drivers’ attention. They should stay alert and watch for trains and pedestrians while traveling along METRORail corridors,” said METRO Police Chief Vera Bumpers. “This campaign is all about improving safety for pedestrians, drivers, and rail operators.”


How to Safely Turn in the Medical Center

This surveillance video shows drivers who are illegally turning along the METRORail Red Line in the Medical Center. Drivers can turn left at designated intersections, but there's a safe way to turn. The video demonstrates how to safely turn left. Houston METRO is the region's public transportation system. Schedules: www.ridemetro.org Customer Care: 713-635-4000 Subscribe to @METROHouAlerts on Twitter for up to the minute information.