Houston Commemorates Vietnam Veterans with a New Memorial at Club Creek Park

On the auspicious occasion of National Vietnam War Veterans Day, Houston will witness Council Member Edward Pollard fulfilling a heartfelt promise to his father, a valiant U.S. Marine and Vietnam veteran. This Friday at 10 am, Club Creek Park will become the setting of a long-awaited tribute to the heroes of Houston who served in Vietnam.

Edward Pollard, a distinguished Houston City Council Member, has drawn inspiration from his parents' profound commitment to the nation and community. His father, Donald Pollard Sr., shared with young Edward the cold reception he faced upon returning from the Vietnam War. These stories of unappreciated sacrifice, coupled with his mother, Dr. Diane Jemison Pollard's, 40 years of dedicated teaching at Texas Southern University, propelled Edward toward a life dedicated to public service and law.

photo  Edward Pollard

Having graduated with honors from Morehouse College and later from Texas Southern University’s Thurgood Marshall Law School, Edward has never forgotten the opportunities afforded to him through his father's honorable service. Donald Pollard Sr., like many Houston veterans, faced not just battlefields abroad but battles at home—facing rejection, ridicule, and barriers to employment. Edward vowed to change that narrative.

This Friday's event at Club Creek Park, a serene environment apt for reflection, coincides with the Congressional declaration of March 29 as Vietnam Veterans Day. The day marks the withdrawal of the last U.S. troops from Vietnam in 1973 and is distinct from Veterans Day, commemorated on November 11. It will unveil a memorial honoring the ultimate sacrifice of 543 military members from the Houston area whose names are now immortalized.

The development of this park, which now houses a stunning pond, walking trails, and vibrant greenery, is the result of over three years of dedicated effort by Pollard's office. An investment of $15 million, inclusive of $1.3 million from the Southwest Houston Redevelopment Authority and $100,000 raised by Pollard, symbolizes the city's commitment to honoring its veterans.

Pollard's message to all veterans, and particularly to those of the Vietnam War, is a resounding "Welcome home." This tribute stands as a testament to Houston's reverence for their service, acknowledging the past while looking to the future with gratitude and respect.

For more info, HoustonTX.gov