Houston Sickle Cell Symposium Hosted By Sickle Cell Association of Houston

Ensuring Access to Gene Therapy & SCD Treatments in Texas

Mark your calendar and join the Sickle Cell Association of Houston for the Houston Sickle Cell Symposium at The Health Museum on April 20th located at 1515 Hermann Drive at 9am. This educational day will delve into gene therapy, understanding what it is, what does the process look like, and how can patients afford it in addition to bringing to the forefront other cutting-edge treatments for sickle cell disease. Don't miss this opportunity!

Bring your kids for a day filled with education and fun, and meet your sickle cell disease advocate, Representative Jarvis Johnson, who has passed landmark legislation to ensure better outcomes for those impacted by sickle cell disease.

This educational event allows patients, families, and community stakeholders to gain  insights and learn from sickle cell research leaders.

Thanks to the generous support of sponsors VERTEX, EDITAS, FULCRUM, BLUEBIRD BIO, and BEAM, the community can get the answers they need to have an informed discussion with their healthcare providers to ensure they are able to have a future where they can live without limits.  Register today!

For more info, visit Eventbrite