Women's History Month Special Feature: Author Pamela D. Smith Uses Her Literary Talent To Evangelize, Coach, and Mentor Women

Pamela D. Smith is an Author, Evangelist, Mentor, and Self-Publishing Coach/Consultant. Living a healed life and becoming a whole woman is the best life any woman can live. We all have a story, we all experience trauma and drama. While I do not believe that there is anything special about us having a story (since we all have one), there is something special about how you go through what you go through. There is something special about you owning your story. There is something special about you having the courage to own your story, tell it, and sell it. There is something special about you sharing your wisdom and tips to help transform someone else’s life.

This is what Pamela D. Smith does through her books, coaching, and mentoring and she teaches other women and authors to do the same. Releasing past hurt and pain helps with inner healing and helps women become whole. Healing and wholeness are necessary in order to keep excelling in life. When one is not healed, they will sabotage every level that God elevates them to.

Pamela D. Smith continues to dedicate her diverse pursuits to elevating the lives of women and she uses her literary skills as a way to evangelize and help women go from healed to published. Through her coaching and mentoring, Pamela helps aspiring authors with inner healing, writing, and publishing their story.

Pamela says, “When I published my first book I was not healed, and I think it is necessary for any person who is stepping into any level of influence and authority to be healed. And yes, healing is a journey and not a destination, but when you have committed to living a healed life and being a whole woman then every adverse situation you encounter you will employ your tools and heal. You will learn to master the skill of overcoming.

When we are not healed, we internalize and personalize offense and it stunts our progress.

When we are not healed, the business and personal relationships that we engage in are not as fruitful as they can be.

When we are not healed, we don’t extend grace or let things go so we live in bondage.

No one should want to be an angry, unfruitful, joyless author who is writing a “woe is me, I am a victim” kind of book. My coaching and mentoring give you the space and freedom to pray, write, and heal, and then release your story so that you are helping others do the same.”

Pamela can be reached via website at www.pameladsmith.net

Connect with Pamela on Instagram @pameladsmith1 or via Facebook.