Tidal Reality Services To Offer Summer Internship To Students From Prairie View A&M and Texas Southern University

Tidal Realty Services would like to invite college students who are currently attending Prairie View University or Texas Southern to participate in our summer internship.

We are looking for students who are interested in one or all of the following: Marketing, Advertising, Communications and/or Real Estate.

This will be a great opportunity for students to learn from industry leaders and gain some course credits according to their school’s policies. Our focus is to educate interns about the business, but we recognize that we can all learn from our younger generation and will be seeking their ideas and feedback on how we can continue to “keep up with the times” as a company.

Some of the daily tasks you will be asked to complete are listed below:

Creating advertising campaigns specifically for social media

Creating online and offline marketing budgets

Working with on air talent for a daily radio show and podcast

Content creation for radio and podcast shows

Daily in office admin tasks

If you are interested please submit your resumes complete with you contact information to tidalpm18@gmail.com