Colin Allred Dominates Texas Senate Debate: Championing Every Texan's Fight

Congressman Colin Allred took center stage at the recent Texas Senate debate, proving why he’s the leader Texas needs right now. Facing off against Ted Cruz, Allred stood tall, delivering powerful moments that underscored his commitment to working for all Texans, no matter their background or political stance. In a race that’s heating up, Allred showcased not only his poise but his record of working across the aisle to make life better for everyday Texans.

Allred’s Stand for Texas Women

At the heart of the debate was a critical issue for Texans: reproductive freedom. Allred didn’t mince words when calling out Ted Cruz’s abortion ban, which has no exceptions for rape, incest, or the health of the mother. “Understand when Sen. Cruz says he's pro-life, he doesn't mean yours,” Allred declared—a line that reverberated across the state. He highlighted the stories of Texas women like Kate Cox and Amanda Zurawski, whose lives were put at risk because of these draconian laws.

As Allred made clear, this isn't just a talking point—this is personal for millions of Texans. He vowed to restore a woman’s right to choose, promising to make Roe v. Wade the law of the land once more. His impassioned stance earned him accolades from women across the state, especially suburban voters, who are eager for change.

Holding Cruz Accountable

But reproductive rights weren’t the only topic where Allred took Cruz to task. When Texans were freezing in the dark during the infamous winter storm, where was Ted Cruz? On a beach in Cancun. Allred didn’t let voters forget that while millions suffered, Cruz was thinking only of himself.

“When it mattered most, Cruz fled—leaving Texans behind,” Allred charged. It’s these moments of selfishness that define Cruz's tenure, and Allred is here to remind Texans that they deserve better. Whether it’s fighting for affordable healthcare, pushing for sensible immigration reform, or holding the line on democracy, Allred has proven time and again that his loyalty lies with the people, not himself.

Bipartisan Solutions to Border Security

Allred also showcased his commitment to practical solutions, particularly when it comes to border security—an issue close to many Texans' hearts. Unlike Cruz, who blocked a bipartisan deal supported by the Border Patrol Union, Allred stressed the importance of working across party lines to create real solutions. He emphasized that Texas needs leaders who can come together to secure the border, not play political games.

A Fighter for Democracy

One of the most striking moments of the debate came when Allred confronted Cruz’s role in the January 6th insurrection, calling him a "threat to democracy." While Cruz sidestepped his involvement, Allred made it clear that Texas needs leaders who respect democratic institutions and the will of the people. His straightforward approach to this critical issue won the night, leaving many wondering if Cruz can ever truly shake his connection to that dark day in American history.

The Path Forward

Colin Allred’s journey from Dallas ISD standout to NFL player, to civil rights attorney, to Congressman, is a testament to his dedication to service. A son of Dallas raised by a single mom, Allred has always fought for the underdog, and his performance in the debate was no different. Now serving his third term representing Texas’ 32nd Congressional District, Allred is ready to take the fight statewide, ensuring that every Texan—no matter their political affiliation—has a voice.

Allred’s campaign has been a grassroots powerhouse. In fact, since the debate, his campaign has raised over $1 million, showing that Texans are ready for a change. With over 2 million individual contributions and support from nearly every corner of the state, Allred is positioned to give Cruz the toughest race of his career.

Conclusion: Texas Deserves Better

It’s clear: Colin Allred isn’t just running to win—he’s running to give Texas the leadership it deserves. With a strong record of bipartisanship, a commitment to defending democracy, and a passion for the issues that matter most, Allred has proven that he’s the candidate Texas needs. Ted Cruz may try to distract voters with baseless attacks, but Colin Allred remains focused on what’s truly important—fighting for all Texans.

Key Issues Allred Stands For:

  • Reproductive freedom and women's healthcare
  • Bipartisan border security solutions
  • Affordable healthcare for every Texan
  • Defending democracy and restoring integrity to Texas leadership

This November, Texans have a choice between a leader who flees when things get tough and a leader who stands firm for what's right. It’s time to send Ted Cruz packing—and Colin Allred is just the person to do it.


For more on Colin Allred's campaign, visit