Statement by Mayor Sylvester Turner on CD18 Democratic nominee selection process

Former Mayor Sylvester Turner issued the following statement about the selection of a Democratic nominee for the 18th Congressional District:

“As I have said, I am taking a serious look at the 18th Congressional seat. Yet, as tributes continue to pour in from across the globe for my friend and long-time colleague, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, I feel strongly that our focus in the coming days should remain on celebrating the Congresswoman’s remarkable life and legacy.

“Sheila Jackson Lee had an uncanny ability to be everywhere, all at once. Even in death, she remains at the center of our hearts and minds – and I am grateful for it. News cycles move quickly, but departed heroes deserve the time to be grieved, and honored, and remembered.

“For these reasons, and out of immense respect for her family and all those who loved her, I will hold any announcement about my intentions until Friday, August 2.”